3 2018
42권 1호
혀의 후방부에 발생한 연골성 분리종과 동반된 소타액선의 선종양성 과증식
박종찬1), 김원기, 김한종, 이준, 윤정훈
"Cartilaginous choristoma" refers to as a tumorlike cartilaginous mass composed of normal tissues in an abnormal location. Oral cartilaginous choristomas are extremely rare. Although its rarity, most intraoral choristomas occur in the tongue. Adenomatoid hyperplasia of the minor salivary glands may be seen on the minor salivary gland bearing areas, especially seen on the palate. This report describes a case of firm mass on the left lateral tongue that was resulted cartilaginous choristoma associated with adenomatoid hyperplasia, which
occurred in a 23-year-old male patient. And It hasn’t recurred during 17 months after complete excision.