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5 2020 44권 1호

대한구강악안면병리학회지 제44권 1호 2020

저자 대한구강악안면병리학회지


원 저  증 례 1. Buddleja officinalis의 추출물로 지각과민증치료에 관한 연구 ································································ 1 임성필, 김영, 김원재, 정지연, 강인철, 김옥준 2. uPAR 및 uPA의 RNAi 형질감염이 타액선 종양세포주에 미치는 영향 ·················································· 9 오민구, 이종헌 3. 여드름의 원인 및 관리실태 분석 ············································································································ 19 박시연, 이종헌 4. 여성각화낭에서 발생한 치성 암종 ··········································································································· 29 임기현, 한다울, 김정헌, 남웅

4 2020 44권 1호

Buddleja officinalis의 추출물로 지각과민증 치료에 관한 연구

저자 임성필, 김영, 김원재, 정지연, 강인철, 김옥준


Dentin hypersensitivity (DH) is defined as short and sharp pain caused by external stimuli such as heat, vaporization, contact, osmotic pressure, and chemical stimulation in a normal tooth, rather than due to disease or tooth damage. Its solution is to block the flow of dentinal fluid by physically blocking the dentinal tubule. Of these treatments, fluoride and oxalate type for hypersensitivity can only have a temporary effect. Resins should be used with a suitable bonding system and they may cause hypersensitivity symptoms after treatment. Overcoming these limitations, there is a need for method that can effectively treat dental hypersensitivity lasting long without any side effects. For this reason, experiments with 200 plant extracts as candidates for dentin hypersensitivity, Buddleja officinalis was considered as a candidate for present study. The purpose of this study is to confirm whether the ethanol extract of Buddleja officinalis is effective to protect enamel and dentin by coating tooth surface and resistance to acid or alkali even after tooth coating. Key words : Dentin hypersensitivity, Tooth Coating, Buddleja officinalis

3 2020 44권 1호

uPAR 및 uPA의 RNAi 형질감염이 타액선 종양세포주에 미치는 영향

저자 오민구, 이종헌


Despite existing chemotherapy and surgical resection strategies, salivary gland adenocarcinoma(AdCa NOS) is one of the major causes of mortality among malignant salivary gland tumors. New therapeutic measure are needed to improve the outcome for patients with AdCa. Overexpression of urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor/urokinase-type plasminogen activator(uPAR-uPA) has been implicated in progression and metastasis of oral cancer. RNA interference(RNAi) which has emerged as an effective method to target specific genes for silencing has provided new opportunities for cancer therapy. But there has been rarely reported using RNAi-uPAR/uPA transfection in salivary gland AdCa. The purpose of this study were to examine the specific inhibition of uPAR/uPA mRNA and protein expression by RNAi transfection of uPAR/uPA through RT-PCR and Immunoslot blot, and to study tumor cell proliferation activity, adhesion, invasion and migration of SGT cell line in vitro compared to the controls. In adhesion assay, cells transfected with RNAi-uPAR/uPA inhibited markedly adhesion to vitronectin compared to parental cells. Angiogenic assays revealed a significant decrease in the angiogenic potential of SGT cells downregulated by both uPAR and uPA. In migration assay, suppressing uPAR and uPA inhibited the capacity of the cells to migrate compared to parental cells. In invasion assay, cells transfected with RNAi-uPAR/uPA showed the maximum decrease in invasion when compared to all other treatment conditions. RNAi expressing plasmids efficiently downregulated mRNA and protein expression of uPAR and uPA. Cell cycle analysis showed that the simultaneous downregulation of uPAR and uPA caused the accumulation of cells in the sub-G0/G1 phase in SGT cells. Immunoslot blot analysis revealed that downregulation of uPAR and uPA caused the prominent activation of caspase 8. It suggested that the RNAi targeting of the uPAR/uPA system could have a therapeutic potentiality for malignant salivary gland tumors. Key words : RNAi Transfection, uPAR, uPA, Salivary Gland Tumor Cell Line

2 2020 44권 1호

여드름의 원인 및 관리실태 분석

저자 박시연, 이종헌


The need for skin health care is newly recognized in accordance with the importance and needs of skin care due to harmonious interpersonal relation. In this study, collected 202 questionnaire sheets in Seoul were analyzed by SPSS 18.0 program through data coding and data cleaning, and frequency analysis for general characteristics was done. Heredity, environmental factors and management condition of acne, and the differences according to general characteristics were analyzed by Crosstabs. Mainly, women used skin care shop and their age groups were varied from twenties to fifties. Recognition of skin trouble were compound(42.1%), and significant statistical difference(p<.05), while oily or compound to man and compound or acne skin to woman were observed. First occurrence of acne was generally middle school(33.7%). Facial acne progress areas was cheek(36.1%), forehead(30.7%), chin(28.2%) and neck(5.0%) in descending order, and present state of acne was in progress(60.9%). Etiologic factors were stress(39.1%), pre and post-menstruation(22.8%), environment(20.8%), heredity(17.3%). There was significant statistical difference between gender(p<.01). Treatment places were at dermatologist(45.0%) and special skin care shop(27.2%). The most reliable place for treatment was special skin care shop(44.6%) and dermatologist(42.6%). It suggested that in acne of skin trouble, age groups of customers could be varied among male and female and in order to meet such requirements of customers, high quality service ought to be provided so that acne care could satisfy customers with the differentiated and careful service.

1 2020 44권 1호

치성각화낭에서 발생한 치성 암종

저자 임기현, 한다울, 김정현, 남웅


Odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) is aggressive compared to other odontogenic cysts, but its malignant transformation is extremely rare. Odontogenic carcinoma may arise from an odontogenic cyst such as OKC. Here in, we introduce a case of odontogenic carcinoma assumed to have arisen from a preexisting OKC. Abnormal clinical and radiologic features seen in a previous or existing cyst may be warning signs of malignant transformation. Key words : Odontogenic keratocyst, Odontogenic carcinoma, Malignant transformation
