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38 2010

골육종으로 진행된 개화성 골 이형성증의 증례보고

저자 김현실, 김남희, 육종인, 김진, 박혁, 차인호


 Osteogenic sarcoma is primary malignant bone tumor. It can arise de novo or from the benign precursors lesions, likePaget’s disease, giant cell tumor, chronic osteomyelitis, osteoblastoma, and fibrous dysplasia. Here, we present a case ofosteogenic sarcoma arising from florid osseous dysplasia appearing as a rapidly growing bony bulging mass in 44‐year‐oldKorean female who had at first been non‐symptomatic, but later suffered from the numbness of chin and lower lip. Theradiologic images revealed the mixed radiopaque‐ radiolucent intraosseous lesions throughout the mandible, which werediagnosed as florid osseous dysplasia pathologically. But only after 6 months, the lesions were substituted by the radiologicalill‐defined diffuse bony sclerotic lesion with bone destruction, accompanying the interrupted periosteal bone formation,which were pathologically diagnosed as osteogenic sarcomas. These serial clinicopathologic changes imply themalignant progression of florid osseous dysplasia rather than the collision of benign condition, florid osseous dysplasiaand malignant tumor, osteogenic sarcoma. The possibility for fibro‐osseous lesion of the jaw as premalignant lesionshould not be overlooked; therefore, periodic check‐ups for the lesions are necessary. Proper evaluation and interpretationfor clinical neural symptom and radiologic change of bone density may lead to the correct differential diagnosisand therapeutic intervention.

37 2010

상악동에 발생한 국균증에 관한 증례보고

저자 채병무, 조현주, 정용선, 정태영, 강미선, 박상준


 This infection includes an allergic bronchial reaction, an aspergilloma, and an invasive aspergillosis, which is morecommon in immunosuppressed patients and presents as multiorgan disease. The maxillary sinus is a relatively commonsite for formation of an aspergilloma where it forms around a nexus of foreign body. It has been indicated that the foreignbody containing zinc extruded into the maxillary sinus has the potential to become infected and form anaspergilloma. The treatment of this disease is radical surgery and adjunctive systemic antifungal therapy. This is a casereport of solitary aspergillosis of the right maxillary sinus. We experienced a case of right maxillary sinus aspergillosisin a 37 years old male who has dull pain on right temporal and zygoma area. We reported a case with review of literature.

36 2010

Diode Laser 조사가 가토경골의 골재형성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

저자 강봉기, 천재식


 Currently, Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is widely used in medicine and dentistry. It has been suggested that LLLTmay be beneficial in management of many different medical conditions, including pain, wound healing and nerve injury.Stimulation with LLLT can enhance bone repair as reported in experimental studies on bone defects and fracture healingalso. As far as hard tissue is concerned, the biostimulating effect of laser has been demonstrated more rapid healing oftibial bone fracture in mice. This study was performed to compare new bone formation between with LLLT and withoutLLLT. Two cylinder implants(5mm diameter, 5mm length) were implanted on rabbit's tibia. LLLT was done to one implantwith 632mm diode laser. And than Rabbit's were sacrificed after 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th weeks after implantation. Bone withimplant were removed and fixed with 10% formaline. Undecalfied sample were prepared after spurr low resin embedding.Sample were grind and polished to 100㎛. The results were as follows. The amount of trabeclue of experimental groupwere superior to that of control group from 2 weeks to 8 weeks. There were no difference in arrangement of trabeculebetween two groups. Bone implant contact were significantly increased at 4th weeks in experimental group. The numberof ostecytes in trabecule were different at 4th weeks experimental group. Osteone were appeared dominantly at 6thweeks experimental group, while at 8th weeks experimental group were superior than control group. LLLT group showedincreased amount of trabecule, bone implant contact, number of osteocytes & osteone. It suggested that LLLT might beincrease the bone formation rate and accelerate the bone formation time.

35 2010

백서에서 편측 저작이 하악 과두에 미치는 조직 변화와 세포활성에 관한 연구

저자 이동준, 차경석, 이진우, 박경주


 The aim of this study is to find out histomorphologic change and cellular activity of condyle resulted from unilateralmastication by comparison of cell proliferation and apoptosis activity. 30 adult rats were dived to 15 experimental groupand 15 control group randomly. Right upper and l ower molars were gently extracted in experimental group, to makeunilateral mastication environment. All subjects were sacrificed at 1 week, 2 weeks and 4 weeks by chloroform, and theirtissues were prepare to observation. Streptovidin-biotin system for BrdU stanning, was used to determine cellular proliferativeactivity. TUNEL method was used to determine apoptotic activity. The result for cellular activity was recordedat both of anterior portion and posterior portion of condyle. Hematoxylin and Eosin stanning was used for histiomorphologicalchange. The results were as follows. There were more change in superficial layer than deep layer of condylein cellular activity. In anterior portion of condyle cartilage, cellular proliferative activity of experimental group was lowerthan control group and apoptotic activity of experimental group was higher than control group. And apoptotic activity ofextracted side in experimental group is the most. In posterior portion of condyle cartilage, cellular proliferative activity ofextracted side in experimental group was higher than non-extracted side and control group, And apoptotic activity of extractedside in experimental group was the low. As a result of histomorphological change, there was hyperplasia in posterior regiono f extracted side c ondyle i n experimental g roup, but t here was n o change i n unextracted side i n experimentalgroup. There was histomorphological hyperplasia in posterior condyle of experimental group as results of high cellularproliferative activity. There was mainly apoptotic change of anterior portion condyle in experimental group. But therewas no histomorphologic change. In other words, there was hyperplasia by increasing of cellular proliferative activity inposterior portion of nonfunctional side condyle. In functional side condyle, there was no histomorphological change infunctional condyle, but there was change in cellular activity.

34 2010

세균의 활성산소종과 활성질소종에 대한 내성에서 NADH dehydrogenase‐2 결손의 효과

저자 박희정, 채권석, 방일수


 The electron transport chain (ETC) delivers electrons from many substrates to reduce molecular oxygen to water. ETCaccomplishes the stepwise transfer of electrons through series of protein complexes conferring oxidation‐reduction reactions withconcomitant transport of p roton across membrane, g enerating a proton g radient which leads ATP s ynthesis b y F0F1ATPase.Bacterial ETC initiates with oxidation of NADH by NADH dehydrogenase complex (complex I). Therefore, damage of complex Ileads to insufficient function of ETC and accumulation of NADH inside the cell. Contribution of ETC activity and its consequentchanges of NADH levels to bacterial damage response against reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) has been poorlyunderstood. In this study, by constructing ndh mutant Salmonella lacking complex I NADH dehydrogenase 2, we evaluated theeffect of ETC deficiency to bacterial resistance against ROS and RNS. The growth of ndh mutant Salmonella is impaired in theculture media containing hydrogen peroxide, but rather accelerates in the media containing nitric oxide donors. Data suggestthat redox potential of NADH accumulated inside the cell by ETC blockage may affect inversely to bacterial resistance againstreactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species.

33 2010

새로운 프롤린 풍부 단백질의 동정 및 특성 연구

저자 김연숙


 In the previous molecular cloning study from human salivary gland cDNA library novel clones (C75‐014, C76‐022) wereknown as candidate genes for proline rich proteins by GenBank data base search and RNA in situ hybridization. C75‐014and C76‐022 genes were characterized as those expressing excretory basic proteins primarily composed of alanine, proline,and leucine residues, mimicking basic proline‐rich proteins (bPRPs) with helical structures and multiple consensussequences of phosphorylation sites. In the immunohistochemical stainings using polyclonal antisera against each C75‐014and C76‐022 peptide showed strong reaction in the secretory granules of striated and excretory ducts. And in Westernblot for the different salivary specimens relatively distinctive bands appeared at lower molecular weight, ranging about15‐50 kDa. This study was aimed to identify the molecular characteristics of C75‐014 and C76‐022 proteins, which showedproperties of basic proline rich protein. These data suggest that C75‐014 and C76‐022 are candidate genes for proline richproteins in human salivary gland, which may play a role for protecting and stabilizing the mucosal epithelium againstnumerous proteolytic damages and stresses.

32 2010

구강편평세포암종 세포주에서 유로키나제형 플라스미노젠 활성제 및 제일형 플라스미노젠 활성억제제 발현

저자 유연상, 천윤권, 박경주, 이종헌


Tumor cell biological factors, such as urokinase plasminogen activator(uPA) and its inhibitor plasminogen activator inhibitor-1(PAI-1) play a role in tumor invasion, metastasis, and proliferation. These factors in patients with primary oralsquamous cell carcinoma(Oral SCC) will be evaluated and correlated with clinicopathologic variables. However, relativelyrarely has been known in oral squamous cell carcinoma in vivo and in vitro study . The purpose of this study were toinvestigate the protein expression of uPA and PAI-1 in oral SCC cell lines cell line compared to NHOK and to study migrationand adhesion assay. All the cell lines were cultured under KBM bullet kit at 37℃ in a 5% CO2 incubator. Westudied a possible association between cytosolic uPA and PA-1 concentrations in oral SCC cell line compared to NHOKusing an enzyme-linked immunoassay(ELISA). Cell adhesion and migration assay were done in all the cell l ines. In migrationassay oral SCC cell lines were about 70 folds higher than NHOK. In adhesion assay oral SCC cell line were about7-12 folds higher than NHOK. uPA cy tosolic concentrations was about 15-19 folds and PAI-1 was 3 to 4.5 folds thanthat of NHOK. Both uPA and PAI-1 concentrations were correlated with migration and adhesion assay. High cytosolicconcentrations o f uPA and PAI-1 were correlated with migration and adhesion assay . It suggested that these markersmight be specific for oral SCC cell line and these results would be contributed to treatment and prognosis of human oralsquamous cell carcinoma.

31 2010

삼차신경통과 동일 부위에 발생한 상피양 혈관종의 증례보고

저자 김범준, 차용훈, 한선희, 김남희, 김진, 육종인, 김현실


 Epithelioid hemangioma is an unusual, which was at first described as angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia(ALHE) in 1969 and misinterpreted as the same disease with Kimura’s disease. But now it represents a distinctive vasculartumor, a different entity with those inflammatory conditions. Here, we present a case of epithelioid hemangiomaappearing as a diffuse gingival nodular mass in 33‐year‐old male who had suffered from the idiopathic sharp pain of leftmandible area previously and later extended to left maxillary region, therefore the gingival lesion was clinically estimatedas malignancy associated with neural invasion. CT images revealed the soft tissue mass restricted to left maxillarygingiva without infiltration to underlying maxillary alveolar bone. Histologically, the circumscribed soft tissue massconsist of solid sheets of epithelioid to spindled cells, expressing reactivity for neither cytokeratin AE1/3 nor HMB‐45,but for CD31, endothelial cell marker. Therefore, the lesion was pathologically diagnosed as epithelioid hemangioma.Diagnostic evaluation for the neurologic symptoms of the patient revealed the trigeminal neuralgia, accompanying withthe present epithelioid hemangioma incidentally. Awareness of epithelioid hemangioma should be emphasized not to bemisdiagnosed as malignant disease like an invasive squamous cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma, or angiosarcoma. Properevaluation and interpretation for neural symptom may lead to the correct differential diagnosis and therapeutic intervention.

30 2010

Central nervous system 병변의 재발 없이 mental nerve를 침범한 precursor T-cell leukemia/lymphoma의 증례 보고

저자 한선희, 남정우, 박혁, 김형준, 김남희, 김현실, 육종인


 Facial numbness restricted to the distribution of the mental nerve(mental neuropathy) is called "numb chin syndrome".The clinical importance of this syndrome is associated with first recognition of involvement of malignant diseases. Themalignant neoplasm with numb chin syndrome show rapid progression and high mortality. We present a 43-year-old femalewho had been treated by radiotherapy for precursor T-cell leukemia/lymphoma involving the central nervous system(CNS) previously and later developed mental nerve invasion without central nervous system recurrence. MRI imagesrevealed the CNS tumor mass remitted, and there was no identified peripheral nervous system(PNS) involvement includingthe mental nerve invasion, nevertheless the patient complained of consistent numbness and pain on right mandibulararea. This is the first case of precursor T-cell leukemia/lymphoma accompanying mental nerve invasion without recurrencefor central nervous system. Proper interpretation for mental neuropathy may lead to the prompt diagnosis andtherapeutic intervention.

29 2010

상악동에서 스팔가노시스에 의해 생긴 섬유성 비강 폴립

저자 이상신, 김정호, 김연숙, 이석근


 A 37 years old male patient had suffered from fibrous nasal polyp for more than 10 years even though careful medicaltreatment, and recently aggravated with severe nasal stiffness and pain. In the radiological observation the lesion wascontinuously extended into the ipsilateral maxillary sinus by poly cystic radiopacities gradually destroying the anteriorwall of antrum. During the Caldwell-Luc operation a cystic fibrous granulomatous tissue was removed, and its microsectionsshowed multicystic and tunnel-like spaces, of which lumens were usually round and filled with parts of parasiticworm e xhibiting parasitic t eguments and eggs. The granulomatous l esion showed relatively mild inflammatory reactionwith the infiltration of eosinophilic PMNs. The histological features of tunnel-like penetration of parasitic worms,and their teguments and eggs were competent with the diagnosis of sparganosis. Especially, although the patient had noexperience of raw foods such as frog or snake, he used to drink the untreated natural stream water obtained in themountain area of Gangwon prefecture in Korea. Therefore, the present study demonstrated a rare lesion of antral spanganosis,and we suppose that the frequent incident of oral sparganosis in Gangwon prefecture is possibly related to theusage of untreated stream water in the mountain area of Gangwon prefecture in Korea.

28 2010

구강외 요인을 가지는 구취환자들에 대한 약물치료효과

저자 장재업, 김명진, 최정유, 이상협, 김애리, Martha E Nunn, 이효정


 Halitosis is a major problem on social interactions in many people, and oral hygiene control is a major treatment forhalitosis. However, medication may be the choice of method for non-oral origin halitosis. The present study evaluatedthe efficacy of chlorophyllin medication for oral malodor patients with GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). 26 patientswith halitosis visited Department of Periodontology of Seoul National University Bundang Hospital. VSCs (Volatile Sulfurcompounds) level was evaluated according to Chlorophyllin medication after 20 days’ medication. Scaling was conductedafter medication, and VSCs level was measured 28 days after scaling. Chlorophyllin medication on the halitosis patientswith GERD showed a statistically significant efficacy (P < 0.05). There was no significant effect on the patients withoutGERD (P>0.05). There was no significant effect s caling before o ne month ( P>0.05). Chlorophyllin was e ffective in t hehalitosis patients with GERD. There was no significant difference one month after scaling.

27 2010

사람의 침샘에서 발견된 새로운 항균단백질의 분자적 분리 및 동정

저자 김연숙, 이석근


 In the previous molecular cloning study from human salivary gland cDNA l ibrary a novel clone (C77-091) was knownas a candidate gene for antimicrobial protein by GenBank database search and RNA in situ hybridization. This study isaimed to identify the molecular characteristics of C77-091 protein, which showed an antimicrobial activity on E.coli,thereby named as salivary antimicrobial protein (SAMP). SAMP consisted of a typical hydrophobic amino acid rich domainin the N-terminus, a cluster of basic amino acids, carbohydrate attachment site, a possible transglutaminase catalyzedcross-linking site, and multiple consensus sequences of phosphorylation site in the C-terminus. Western blot analysis ofhuman organs and tissue with the monospecific antibody to the synthetic SAMP peptide showed strong interactingprotein from the extracts from submandibular gland and parotid saliva but absent in the mixed saliva, and theimmunohistochemical staining detected a strong positive regions in the secretory granules in the luminal cytoplasm ofinterlobular ductal cells of salivary gland. The SAMP was also distributed in the human sebaceous gland and prostate.These data suggest that C77-091 named SAMP gene is a novel antimicrobial protein in human salivary gland, which mayplay a role for the innate immunity by protecting and stabilizing the mucosal epithelium to maintain homeostasis of oralmucosa.
