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Total 37건 1 페이지
37 2013

이부에 발생한 지방육아종의 외과적 적출

저자 이상아, 임원봉, 김지선, 김상우, 전상미, Hui Zheng, 박홍주, 국민석, 오희균, 최홍란, 김옥준


"We present a case of lipogranuloma of the chin in a 17-year-old man. The lesion was revealed as lipogranuloma in radiological and histopathological findings and did not recur after being surgically removed. Lipogranuloma is a granulomatous inflammation with marked sclerosing response to the fatty tissue caused by foreign material injection. Despite lipogranuloma was reported as a complication arising from injection of oil-based substances into soft tissues for the purpose of cosmetic therapy, patient in this case had no history of foreign material injection. We expect that patient had a history of traumatic injury on his right chin that he doesn’t remember. Definitive treatment of lipogranuloma is surgical excision and usually involves secondary reconstruction. Regarding the physical and psychological complications of this practice, prevention is required the most but once occurred accurate history taking and biopsy is important to diagnosis. "

36 2013

좌측 근위 악하선관에 발생한 거대 타석증

저자 김도영, 백준석, 류경선, 이현경, 정태영, 박상준


"Sialolith is a common disease of salivary glands characterized by the development of salivary stones, resulting in the salivary ductal obstruction. The chief complaints of patients with sialoliths are pain and swelling of the involved gland during meals. Most sialoliths are found in the submandibular gland of middle-aged patients. The size of the salivary stones can vary, but most of them are less than 10mm in size, giant sialoliths(larger than 15mm) are very rare. In this case, we report a 68-years old female patient who had removal of a giant sialolith located in left proximal Wharton’s duct by less invasive intraoral surgical technique successfully. We also review related literature."

35 2013

백서 타액선에서 중금속 투여에 따른 AQP 5 발현 변화

저자 이수원, 김지선, 임원봉, 김상우, 전상미, 최남기, 김옥준, 최홍란


"Toxic heavy metals like mercury and cadmium are known to involve in altering the salivary flow so that can be appeared sialorrhea or ptyalism, the condition of increased salivary flow, or xerostomia (“dry mouth”), the condition related to inhibited or decreased salivary flow. Although many people were exposed to these heavy metal in work environment, dental clinics, the mechanism is rarely discussed in the clinical literature. The present study is to carried out analysis of AQP5 expression that play a key role in saliva fluid secretion and cell membrane water permeability on mercury- or cadmium-exposed mice submandibular gland. To investigate AQP 5 expression, immunohistochemical study and western blot assay were carried out on mercury- or cadmium-exposed mice. Additionally, RT-PCR, real-time PCR with specific primers were carried out. Cadmium or mercury exposure led ductal extension, ductal cell increase, and blood vessel increase in mouse submandibular gland. The mRNA and protein expression of AQP5 were increased in time dependent manners on cadmium or mercury exposed mouse. Also, AQP5 were translocated from basolateral membrane to apical membrane of acini cell. In conclusion, toxic heavy metal such as mercury and cadmium appear to alter the AQP5 expression and distribute to apical membrane of ductal cell and lead to alter salivary secretion. "

34 2013

구강 골융기 중심부에서 보이는 병인론적 성장잠재성

저자 김연숙


"Exostosis is a phenomenon of exophytic growth of compact bone, and the oral exostosis, so called a torus is usually found in the lingual or labial areas of mandible and maxilla, and the hard palatal area. It is not a pathological nor tumoral formation but a localized bony protuberance relevant to developmental and environmental origins. However, the pathogenesis of exostosis has not been clearly elucidated so far. In the present study total 51 cases of oral exostosis were examined by radiological, histological, and immunohistochemical methods to observe the osteogenetic potential existed in the sclerosed bony tissue of exostosis. Particularly, the unilateral mandibular exostoses occurred in the vicinity of mandibular primary growth centers which were more prominent than the contralateral ones in the radiological observation. Histologically the peripheral area of exostosis was composed of lamellated bone and covered with periosteal tissue which showed sparse osteoblastic activity, while the central area of exostosis was composed of thickened and anastomosed trabecular bones with small amount of marrow connective tissue. The latter stained blue in Masson trichrome method, while the former stained red. The immunohistochemical reactions of BMP-2, bFGF, CMG2, and TGF-β1 were clearly positive in the central trabecular bones, while almost negative in the peripheral cortical bones of exostosis. These findings may indicate that the central area of exostosis is less mineralized than the peripheral area of exostosis, and the former expresses different osteogenetic proteins to produce bony tissue contrary to the latter. Therefore, it is suggested that the strong osteogenetic potential in the central area of exostosis be relevant to the growth potential of mandibular and maxillary primary growth centers and play an important role for the latent expansile growth of exostosis in adult life. "

33 2013

임플란트의 생존율과 실패원인에 관한 연구

저자 장현선


"The purpose of this study is evaluating about the survival rate and causes of failed implants. In this study, the 371 implants was evaluated for the survival rate and failing factors of implant. The survival rate was 96.5%. The failure rate was 3.5%. The average life time of implants was 50 months. The average age of patients treated was 49 years old. In total 371 cases, 13 cases failed implants were removed. The causes of failing implants were poor oral hygiene, excessive occlusal loading, smoking, and etc. The leading causes of failed implants were improper oral hygiene and excessive occlusal loading. In conclusion, I suggest that the periodic plaque control and occlusal force management can improve the survival rate of implants. "

32 2013

비스포스포네이트 관련 악골괴사에서 보이는 초미세구조의 변화

저자 이석근


"The prolonged bisphosphonate (BP) uptakes are frequently resulted in BP-related osteonecrosis of jaws (BRONJ). The previous study reported that the BP-involved bones were stained blue by Masson trichrome and showed weak birefringence compared to the normal bone1). Using the representative twenty cases of BRONJ osteomyelitis the present study examined the ultrastructure of BP-involved bone by scanning electron microscope (SEM) using decalcified bone microsections. As the BP-involved bones showed different features from adjacent normal bone by blue staining in Masson trichrome method and by rare birefringence under polarizing microscope, the ultrastructure of BP-involved bone matrixes were distinguishable histologically in comparison with normal bone. The normal bone showed the tight attachment of interdigitating dendritic bone matrixes, producing many Haversian canaliculi, while the BP-involved bone showed the compact alignment of granular bone matrixes, resulted in the abortive Haversian canaliculi. The osteocytes in the lacunar spaces of BP-involved bone became shrunken and necrotic, and the BP-involved bone showed many tunnel-like spaces produced by direct chemical resorptions and proteolytic degradation of bone matrixes. Taken together, it was conspicuous that the BP-involved bones were abnormal in their stainability of Masson trichrome, birefringence under polarizing microscope, and ultrastructure under SEM. These findings of BP-involved bone may have an implication for the pathogenetic roles of BRONJ, and can be applicable for the differential diagnosis of BRONJ from other osseous lesions. "

31 2013

악구강계에서 발생한 골수염의 임상병리 연구

저자 이종헌


"Recently, oteomyelitis from oral and maxillofacial region which is an acute or chronic inflammatory process in medullary spaces or cortical surfaces of bone is uncommon in Korea. And the clinicopatholgic study of osteomyelitis in Korea has been rarely reported. The purpose of this study were to examine the clinicopatholgic analysis of osteomyelitis patients and to apply its results for treatment. Retrospective analysis of 103 cases of osteomyelitis patients treated in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at DKUDH from 1991 to 2000. There was a male predominance with a 2.3:1 ratio. The mean age of onset of disease was almost the same in cases of acute and chronic osteomyelitis: 29.4 years(range 1-81 years). Swelling, pain, pus discharge, and sequestration were main characteristic features of this disease entity. Acute chronic osteomyelitis of the jaws is caused mostly by a bacterial focus(odontogenic disease, periapical lesion, pericoronitis, periodontal disease, postextraction wounds, and infected fractures). It suggested that acute and chronic osteomyelitis could be basically the same disease separated by the arbitrary time limit of 1 month after onset of the disease by a true bacterial infection. And these results could play an role in the diagnosis and treatment of osteomyelitis of the jaws."

30 2013

비구개 낭종의 모양으로 보이는 개방성 비구개 도관

저자 이상신, 이치헌, 이석근


"The nasopalatine duct, the most dominant developmental tubule formed by the emergence of premaxilla and both sides of anterior palatal processes. This duct normally disappears in humans but remains latent and provides communication between the oral and nasal cavities in some mammals. However, the duct is obliterated and degenerated before birth in human, thus the persisting or patent nasopalatine duct in postnatal life is considered a developmental anomaly. Two cases of patent nasopalatine duct were presented in this study. Although the ducts were not sectioned longitudinally, they were probably connected each other and contained mucous materials secreted from the associated mucous glands. In the immunohistochemical study the ductal epithelium was consistently positive for the growth-related biomarkers including TGFβ1, c-erbB2, EGFR, CTGF, FGFb, HGF, eiF5A, FAK, and pAKT. And many columnar epithelial cells of the duct were positive for PCNA. Particularly, TNFα was clearly positive in the ductal epithelium together with β-defensin-2, -3 and MMP-3, -9. These findings may imply that the ducts have a growth potential postnatally and also can induce inflammatory reaction. Therefore, it was presumed that the present cases of patent nasopalatine ducts were caused by the latent proliferation of ductal epithelia in the vascular environment of nasopalatine canal without cyst formation, and also suggested that the patent nasopalatine ducts connected with functioning mucous glands were partly open to oral/nasal cavity and should be differentially diagnosed from the nasopalatine duct cyst."

29 2013

유두상 림프종성 낭선종에서 발생한 편평상피세포암

저자 이희돈, 송성용, 임원봉, 김지선, 김상우, 전상미, Hui Zheng, 임순임, 박지일, 국민석, 최홍란, 김옥준


"A Warthin’s tumor of major salivary glands, in particular of parotid glands, is a common benign tumor that may occur synchronously or metachronously in the same or contralateral gland. Moreover, epithelial malignance associated with a Warthin’s tumor is extremely rare, and exists in three forms; epidermoid carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and undifferentiated carcinoma. The reports, related with a case of squamous cell carcinoma arising in a Warthin’s tumor at the parotid gland were reported only additional 3 cases from 1999 to 2010; 30 cases reported up to 1999.[2,4,7] This case report was a extremely rare case where both a primary squamous cell carcinoma and a Warthin's tumor were coexisting in the same "

28 2013

하악 구치부에서 발생한 편평치성종양

저자 송성용, 오희균, 임원봉, 김지선, 김상우, 전상미, 국민석, 박민영, Hui Zheng, 최홍란, 김옥준


"Squamous odontogenic tumor (SOT) is a rare benign neoplasm first described by Pullon et al. in 1975. Clinically and histologically, it is confused with ameloblastoma, carcinoma and local periodontoal disease. We report a case of SOT occuring in a 16-year-old female in the right mandibular angle location associated with an impacted molar. "

27 2013

서로 다른 치과용 금속재료들에 의한 갈바닉 태선모양의 치은염

저자 김연숙, 유제인, 이석근


"A 72 years old male complained of gingival ulceration and whitish discoloration on the marginal and attached gingival epithelium of left mandibular premolar and molar area, where a porcelain-fused metal (PFM) crown and an ill-fitting gold crown were applied for 10 years, respectively. Recently he had a cancer phobia due to this whitish lesion unhealed even after intensive anti-inflammatory and antibiotic treatment. In the pathological examination the epithelium was hyperkeratotic and acanthomatous with severe inflammatory reaction, and subsequently its basement membrane was distorted and the intercellular spaces between keratinocytes were widened. Particularly, the nuclei of keratinocytes were elongated in the same direction towards the electric current between the dissimilar metallic crowns of PFM gold. In the immunohistochemistry KL1, β-catenin, and S-100 were strongly positive in the epithelium, but consistently weak for TNFα, HSP-70, and β-defensin-1, -2, -3. On the other hand, PCNA, p53, E-cadherin, and pAKT were rarely positive for the epithelium. Interestingly, the hyperkeratinized and inflamed epithelium was strongly positive for a calcium binding protein (S-100), while it showed almost reduced expression of protective molecules (HSP-70, β-defensin-1, -2, -3, and pAKT). Therefore, it was presumed that this localized lichenoid gingivitis was caused by the galvanic current phenomenon with lower cellular and immunological responses contrary to the ordinary oral lichen planus and leukoplakia. "

26 2013

염증성 사이토카인과 구강 편평세포암종

저자 김도경, 배정윤, 박영진, 손화경, 이재훈, 김진


"Inflammation functions as a double-edged sword against external stimulus. For instance, inflammation can have anti-cancer effect and simultaneously can play cancer-promoting factors. Recent studies have shown that cytokine plays an important role in tumor biology by influencing tumor growth, invasion and metastasis. We classify these cytokines by cancer type and review current knowledge of cytokines in terms of carcinogenesis. Here, we also focus on whether cytokines can act as biomarkers for early detection of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). This review will provide basis for further approach to study the role of cytokines in carcinogenesis and evaluating the possibilities of cytokines as biomarkers for cancer detection."
