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14 2010

타액 프로테오믹스를 이용한 치주질환의 진단표지자 검색

저자 김현철, 김형섭, 문경숙, 조남표


 Because of the irreversible nature of periodontal disease, early diagnosis is an important aspect of managementof patients with periodontal disease. Human saliva is an attractive medium for disease diagnosis because its collectionis noninvasive and simple. Analysis of saliva may be especially beneficial in the determination of current periodontalstatus and serve as means for the screening of periodontal disease. In the present study, we investigatedpotential biochemical markers in whole saliva samples for the screening of periodontal disease using proteomicstechnique. We enrolled five subjects each from four different groups on the basis of measures of periodontal health(healthy group, gingivitis group, chronic periodontitis group and aggressive periodontitis group). Eleven proteins inwhole saliva samples were identified as differentially expressed proteins between the healthy and periodontal diseasegroups using 2-dimensional electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight /time-of-flight mass spectrophotometry (MADLI-TOF/TOF MS) approaches. Although the diagnostic value of oralfluid has been recognized for some time and potential biomarkers of periodontal disease have been identified in saliva,this, to our knowledge, is one of the first studies to examine large-scale proteomic profiling to identify theextent of periodontal destruction. Thus, this work provides an important framework for future efforts aimed at understandingsalivary responses to periodontal destruction and predicting the future disease progression.

13 2010

법랑아세포종에서 Survivin발현에 관한 면역병리학적 연구

저자 이성신, 조재오


 Elevated expression of survivin is strongly associated with tumorigenesis and even in human common cancers.The purpose of this study is to confirm whether survivin is associated with odontogenic tumor expecially in the developmentand growth in ameloblastomas. For the control group; 3 specimens obtained from normal oral mucosawithout any inflammatory reaction were used. For the experimental group, specimens obtained from 17 subjects ofameloblastomas; follicular type, plexiform type, granular cell type, acantomatous type and unicystic ameloblastoma.All the specimens were embedded in paraffin, sectioned 5μm or more in thickness, and stained with hematoxylin-eosin stain method. For immunostain, the specimens were incubated with 1:200 diluted primary antibody, followedby the secondary antibody. The bound antibodies were visualized by addition of diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride(DAB) for 30 minutes at room temperature. The specimens were counterstained with Gill’s Hematoxylin andmounted. Intensity of survivin immunoreactivity specimens was quantitatively scaled using under the light microscopewith the following criteria; Intensive reaction; +++, Moderate reaction; ++, Minimal reaction; +. Using theimage analyzer (Korea Optical System), immunoreactivity of the tumor cells in various fields was measured andstatistically analyzed with SPSS 17.0 Program.In control group, moderate positive reaction was noted in the cytoplasm of cells in the basal and spinous layer,but negative reaction was revealed in the nucleus. Expression of survivin was significantly increased in the cytoplasmof ameloblastomas as compared to that of control group (p<0.05). Expression of survivin in the nucleus andthe cytoplasm of the tumor cells between subtype of ameloblastoma was not significantly different. These resultssuggest that expression of survivin is closely associated with the development, and growth of the ameloblastomas.However it is unlikely that survivin can be used as a marker for cellular malignancy.

12 2010

구강악안면영역에서 발생한 랑게르한스 세포 조직구증 8례: 증례보고 및 문헌고찰

저자 심혜원, 윤혜정, 홍성두, 이재일, 홍삼표


 Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare clinicopathologic disorder characterized by proliferation of histiocyte-like cells (langerhans cell histiocytes) accompanied by varying other inflammatory cells. LCH commonly involvesthe oral and maxillofacial region, but is very rarely seen. Then LCH has made it difficult to investigate the clinicaland histological aspects. We investigated LCH of oral and maxillofacial region and analyzed clinical and histologicalcharacteristics. We reviewed the records of all patients who were diagnosed as LCH, retrospectively. Data included patient’sage, sex, chief complaint, clinical diagnoses, radiologic and histologic reports, and clinical course. We analyzedclinical and histological characteristics. From 2000 to 2007, 8 patients were diagnosed as LCH. 7 were children and 1was adult. All cases involved mandible. Clinical type of all cases were“eosinophilic granuloma”. 6 cases were classifiedas“unifocal disease”and 2 cases were“multifocal single system diseases”. Microscopic findings commonly showed numeroushistiocytes with eosinophilic cytoplasm (langerhans histiocytes). In 6 cases, immunohistochemical study was accomplishedand confirmed the diagnosis of LCH. 6 cases were cured and not recurred, and 2 cases had loss of follow-up. Unifocal disease type of LCH may arise in Korean people more frequently than in western people (75% Vs49%). Therefore, the higher frequency of unifocal disease of LCH is expected to raise the cure rate and to improvepatient prognosis in Korean patients with LCH.

11 2010

사람 피부 섬유아세포와 치은 섬유아세포에서 아라키돈산 처리에 따른 세포외기질 발현의 차이

저자 임원봉, 장미선, 김지선, 고영종, 김인애, 권혁일, 김상우, 최홍란, 김옥준


 The pattern of wound healing process differs markedly according to the cell types. Gingival wounds heal more rapidlywithout scar, however dermal wounds show collagen laid down in thick disorganized patterns and keloid formation.This h as b een s uggested t o be d ue t o the presence of d ifferent E C M components a nd c ytokines a s well a s growthfactors. The purpose of this study was to examine the differential expression of genes in connection with keloid formationin gingival fibroblasts (hGFs) and dermal fibroblasts (hDFs) in response to inflammation. In this study, we investigatedthe differences between hGFs and hDFs in the expression and production of cyclooxygenase (COX-2), prostaglandinsE2 (PGE2), transforming growth factor (TGF)-β, collagens, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), and tissueinhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases (TIMPs) which play important roles in collagen deposition in wound healing.The hGFs and hDFs were primary cultured and allocated to arachidonic acid (AA) treatment group and control group.Protein and mRNA were extracted right after (0 hr) and 24 hr after AA treatment. At a defined concentration of AAin hGFs and hDFs, MTT assay was performed. The mRNA and protein expression levels of COX-2, TGF-β, collagen 1and 3, MMP 1 and TIMP 1 were examined by Real-time PCR and Western blots. The amounts of PGE2 were measuredby enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).The expression of COX-2 and TGF-β exhibited reduced levels in hGFs, but were increased in hDFs at 24 hr after AA treatment. Production of PGE2 was increased in hGFs and hDFs atright after AA treatment but, not changed at 24 hr after AA treatment. The protein and mRNA expression of collagen1 and 3 were decreased in hGFs , whereas increased in hDFs at 24 hr AA treatment. Expression of MMP-1 protein wasincreased in hGFs at 24 hr but, was decreased in hDFs at 24 hr compared with that of control. The protein expressionof TIMP-1 was decreased in hGFs but, was increased in hDFs at 24 hr compared with that of control. These observationsdemonstrate differential expression between gingival and dermal fibroblasts in regulation of collagenolyticcapacity by extracellular matrix-associated genes in keloid formation associated with wound repair.

10 2010

광주광역시에 거주하는 고령자의 타액 내 병원성 칸디다종의 동정에 관한 연구

저자 고영종, 임원봉, 김지선, 김인애, 권혁일, 김옥수, 김병국, 김선미, 윤숙자, 강병철, 임회순, 김미숙, 김옥준, 최홍란


 Candida albicans and their associated Candida species are opportunistic pathogens which exists as normal flora inthe oral cavities of healthy individuals. In response to physiological changes in the host, these yeasts can becomepathogenic, resulting in oral candidiasis. The rapid detection and identification of Candida species in clinical laboratoriesare extremely important for the management of patients with hematogenous candidiasis. The presently availableculture and biochemical methods for detection and species identification of Candida are time-consuming and lackthe required sensitivity and specificity. In this study, we have established a seminested PCR (snPCR) using universaland species-specific primers for detection of Candida species in saliva. The universal outer primers amplified the 3endof 5.8S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and the 5end of 28S rDNA, including the internally transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2), generating350- to 410-bp fragments from the four commonly encountered Candida spp., viz., C. albicans, C. tropicalis,C. glabrata, and C. parapsilosis. The saliva from 331 healthy and, over 50 years of aged people lived in Dong-gu,Gwangu city, was collected. Total DNA were extracted by Hoffman-Winston yeast total DNA prep. method and performedt he s nP CR. R esults appeared to b e negative on 292 people ( 88.2%), however, 2 6 people ( 7.9%) were p ositiveCandida albicans, 6 people (1.8%) were positive Candida glabrata, 5 people (1.5%) were positive Candida tropicalis, andonly 2 person (0.6%) were positive Candida parapsilosis. These result showed that detection and identification ofCandida species could be established by saliva analysis, so that snPCR on saliva is useful method of diagnosis of clinicalfields.

9 2010

사이클로스포린 A 투여 시 불멸화구강각화세포와 구강 편평세포암종 세포주에서 docetaxel 유도 아팝토시스 항진효과

저자 송영성, 박경주, 이종헌


 Oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is one of the leading causes of cancer mortality worldwide. It is generallythought that adjuvant chemotherapy provides modest prolongation of survival in various carcinoma. Docetaxel(Taxotere, TXT) play a significant role in the treatment of various solid tumors of epithelial origin. CsA(immunosuppressive drug) was widely used as adjunct for the treatment of cancer. Thus, it is important to pursue theapoptosis of IHOK and oral SCC induced by TXT combined with CsA related to the pathogenesis of oral SCC. But TXTcombined CsA effect on IHOK and oral SCC remains unclear. After cultured IHOK and HN 22 oral squamous cell carcinomacell line treated by 10 nM TXT and 1 μM, and caspase inhobitor, respectively, apoptosis index, cytochrome cand caspase-3 -8, -9 mRNA expression by RT-PCR, and procaspase-3 protein amount by immunoslot blotting wasprepared. The purpose of this study were to examine the TXT-induced apoptosis pathway via caspase activation byCsA enhancement, and to apply these results to an effective therapeutic treatment plan for oral SCC by TXT combinedCsA . 10 nM TXT showed about 60%, 55% celluar apoptosis of IHOK and HN 22, cell line, respectively, while CsA alonedid not induce apoptosis in IHOK and HN 22 cell line. 1 μM CsA combined with 10 nM TXT increased apoptosis inIHOK and HN 22 cell line through caspase-3 and cytochrome c mRNA expression, while could not effect on caspase-8and -9. Caspase inhibitor suppressed apoptosis of IHOK and HN 22 cell line induced by a combination of 1 μM CsAand 10 nM TXT. Immnoslot blotting showed procaspase-3 activation by a combination 1 μM CsA and 10 nM TXT, whilecaspase inhibitor inhibited activation. It suggested that a combination of CsA and TXT might induce increased apoptosisof IHOK and HN 22 oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line through caspase-3 activation. This treatment with acombination of TXT and CsA may be an effective therapeutic strategy for oral squamous cell carcinoma.

8 2010

타액선 종양세포주에서 제2형 트랜스글루타민아제와 Nuclear Factor Kappa B의 연관성

저자 김인수, 박경주, 이종헌


 The transcription factor nuclear factor-kB (NF-kB) plays an important role in regulating cell growth, apoptosis,and metastatic functions. Constitutive activation of NF-KB has been observed in various cancers; however, molecularmechanisms resulting in such activation remain elusive. Numerous evidences showed that over expression ofTGase 2 might be linked with constitutive activation of NF-KB. To understand the pathways responsible for constitutiveactivation of NF-kB is important for rational design of NF-kB inhibitors for cancer therapy. Human salivarygland adenocarcinoma has been most aggressive solid tumors. Current therapy does not significantly improvesurvival rates. Thus, to investigate new therapeutic modalities against this adenocarcinoma is necessary. The purposeof this study was to study a constitutive activation of NF-kB with the expression of TG2 in SGT cell line origiantedfrom human salivary gland adenocarcinoma by TGase 2 activity, RT-PCR and immunoslot blotting method.SGT cell line showed the highest TGase 2 activity and NF-kB activation than any other cell line. All the cell linesshowed increased NF-kB mRNA activation after A231027 treatment than that of control. In immunoslot blotting,SGT cell line showed NF-kB activation correlated with TGase 2 expression after A231027 and BSA. It suggested thatthere might be a direct correlation between TGase 2 expression and NF-kB activation in SGT cell line.

7 2010

구강암의 광역학 치료 모델로서 삼차원 배양법의 효용성

저자 백종필, 안상건, 윤정훈


 The organotypic raft culture model has been shown to be a useful method for examining the effects of biochemicalmanipulation on various epithelial cell types, using in vitro conditions that simulate the in vivo environment of thetissue of origin. To investigate this method as a model for photodynamic therapy (PDT), we cultures the oral squamouscarcinoma cell line YD-10B on fibroblast-containing collagen gels at the air-liquid interface and assessed the efficacyof PDT using a photosensitiser 5-ALA-hexenyl ester. PDT effect on YD-10B organotypic raft cultures after twenty-four hours was determined. The number of residual cells was significantly reduced in comparison to control at allfour different conditions. PCNA immunostaining and TUNEL assay revealed that PDT inhibited cell proliferation andincreased apoptosis. These findings suggest that the organotypic raft culture model provides an effective and rapidlaboratory method of investigating strategies for PDT on oral precancerous lesions and squamous cell carcinomas.

6 2010

상악 전치부에 발생한 고립성 형질세포 골수종

저자 정지아, 서고은, 송준호, 박상준


 Plasma cell myeloma is malignant disease of plasma cell in the bone marrow. Myeloma accounts for about 1% of allcancers. The solitary plasma cellmyeloma is rare tumors and account for less than 10% of plasma cell neoplasm. It isoften progress to multiple myeloma at 30~40% despite successful local treatment with surgery and radiation therapy.We are reporting a case of solitary plasma cell myeloma on anterior Maxillary region that developed after kidneytransplantation and immunosuppressive therapy.

5 2010

구강 백반증에서 트립신 효소분해에 의한 세포질 제거 후 eIF5A의 면역조직화학적 핵 내 발현 관찰

저자 김연숙


 The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) is a ubiquitous protein of eukaryotic and archaeal organismswhich undergoes hypusination, and known to play pivotal functions for the synthesis of proteins involved in cell proliferationand cell cycle control. Its nuclear localization has an important implication for the eIF5A functions in nucleus,but the evidence of the nuclear translocation is still in controversy. This study is aimed to elucidate the nuclearlocalization of eIF5A in the epithelial cells of oral leukoplakia by the immunohistochemistry using trypsin digestion toremove their cytoplasms. The keratinocytes of the acanthotic and basal cell layers in oral leukoplakia showed thecomplete removal of their cytoplasmic components, but the nuclei of those cell layers were remained on themicrosection. The immunostainings using both polyclonal and monoclonal antibody against eIF5A showed the strongpositive reaction in the nuclei remained after trypsin digestion. And the immunostaining was more intensely expressedin the nuclei of the basal and suprabasal keratinocytes than in the nuclei of the upper spinous keratinocytes. Thesedata directly indicate the post-translationally modified eIF5A is abundantly localized in the nuclear matrix componentsincluding nucleoli, which are resistant to the trypsin digestion. It is also presumed that the nuclear eIF5A localized atthe trypsin resistant nuclear matrix, i.e., histone and r ibosomal proteins, may be closely relevant to the control ofmRNA production or to the nuclear-cytoplamic trafficking for mRNA transportation.

4 2010

CDK4와 hTERT를 도입한 HPV16 E6/E7 불멸화 세포의 확립

저자 박영진, 홍두표, 김은철, 오봉경, 김진


 Human papillomavirus (HPV) has been classified as one of the causing factors of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma(HNSCC). However, little is known about HPV-related carcinogenesis in HNSCC. The purpose o f this s tudy i sto characterize immortalized human oral keratinocyte (IHOK) transfected by HPV16 E6/E7, IHOK/hcdk4 (IHOK transfectedby pLXRN-hcdk4) and IHOK/hcdk4/hTERT (IHOK transfected by pLPC-hTERT-hcdk4) to reconstitute HNSCC invitro. Conclusively, we established a new immortalized cell lines, IHOK/hcdk4 and IHOK/hcdk4/hTERT, to understandmultistep carcinogenic process of oncogenic HPV16 E6/E7 in HNSCC.

3 2010

결합조직형성형 법랑모세포종과 법랑모세포성 섬유종 간의 임상병리학적 비교

저자 김성욱, 신의정, 윤혜정, 홍성두, 이재일, 홍삼표


 Desmoplastic ameloblastoma (DA) and Ameloblastic fibroma (AF) show common histopathologic features such as enamelorgan like epithelial islands or cords on the background of abundant fibrous stroma. Despite their similar histopathologicfeatures, it was reported that they have different pathogenesis and clinical behavior. The purpose of this studywas to rev iew clinicopathologic features of DA and AF among Korean subjects. 7 cases of DA and 4 cases of AF wereretrieved from the files of Seoul National University Dental Hospital (SNUDH), and their clinical features, radiographicfindings, and histopathologic features were reviewed and compared. DA occurred in 3 males and 4 females. They occurredfrom 24 to 62 years of age, showing the mean age of 42.7 years. 5 of the 7 tumors occurred in the maxilla,and all of them in the anterior region, showing predilection for the maxillary anterior regions. There was norecurrence. Radiographically, they showed well demarcated unilocular or multilocular radiolucency. AF occurred in 5males and 2 female. They occurred from 6 to 29 years of age, showing the mean age of 14 years. All tumors occurredin the mandibular molar area. Recurrence was recognized in 1 case. Although DA and AF showed similar histopathologicfeatures, they showed different clinical behaviors. While DA showed predilection for the anterior maxilla, AF did forposterior mandible. While DA occurred mainly in adults, AF did in adolescents. Recurrence was recognized not in DAbut in AF. Therefore, DA and AF should be differentiated from each other in spite of similar histopathologic findings.
