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6 2008

병원성 살모넬라의 활성산소종과 활성질소종에 대한 내성에서 글루타치온 합성효소의 역할

저자 방일수


Intracellular pathogens must maintain redox homeostasis against the antimicrobial actions of reactive oxygen and nitrogenspecies produced by host cells. This study proves that glutathione is required to promote survival of an entericpathogen Salmonella under the conditions producing reactive oxygen or nitrogen species. Glutathione is the non-proteinthiol compound distributed in a variety of organisms and possesses strong electron-donating capability to reduce intracellularredox environment. To examine the role of glutathione on Salmonella redox homeostasis under oxidative and nitrosativestress conditions, gshB gene encoding glutathione synthetase was mutated by the one-step PCR inactivationmethod. The growth of gshB mutant Salmonella producing virtually no glutathione was greatly impaired in the culturemedia containing either hydrogen peroxide or nitric oxide donors. The results suggest that physiological levels of glutathionecan provide a fundamental capability to maintain redox homeostasis for Salmonella in surviving oxidizing conditionsof host cells.

5 2008

티타늄 판상에 배양된 정상인 조골세포에 대한 LED 세기별 효과에 관한 연구

저자 최민철, 오충훈, 천재


Low energy photon irradiation by light in the far red to near infrared spectral range(630~1000nm) using low energylasers or light emitting diode arrays has been found to modulate various biological processes in cell culture and animalmodels. The purpose of this study was to examine the light emitting diode irradiation effect on activity of normal humanosteoblast on titanium plate in vitro by various energy density, and to observe morphologic change of NHost on titaniumplate and to analysis concentration of Ca++, IP and ALP. NHost were cultured in DMEM containing 10% FBS, andobserved by inverted microscope for attatchment to the surface of titanium plate. Ca++, I.P., and alkaline phosphatase(ALP) concentration in medium was calculated during 4 weeks, which was treated with Wilcoxon rank, Anova testand linear regression. Morphologic changes showed LED produced in vitro increases of cell growth of 144~256% inNHost. During a culture period, Ca++ concentration was decreased. LED treatment(>3J/cm2) stimulate calcium consumptionin NHost. Statistically, a significant difference was not found between LED power density. LED treatedgroup(>3J/cm2) had higher total inorganic phosphate concentrations than control group in NHost. Statistically, a significantdifference was not found between LED power density. No significant changes were observed between ALP acitivityand LED treatment. In spite of LED power density, there were rapid growth rate of NHost and no significant ofCa++, IP and P concentration but these concentration showed predominant change than that of control.

4 2008

사람 구강각화세포에서 사이클로스포린 A에 의한 아팝토시스 유도

저자 임영철 박경주 이종헌


The prominent side effect of cyclosporin A, immunosuppressive agent, in oral tissues is gingival overgrowth(GO). It ischaracterized by the gingival enlargement with epithelial thickening, a large number of proliferating fibroblasts andoverproduction of ECM components. Fibroblast accumulation in Cs A induced GO is caused by the Inhibition of apoptosis.But CsA effect on normal human oral keratinocyte(NHOK) remains unclear. Transglutaminase 2(TGase 2) which is expressedand activated in tissue where epithelial cells undergo apoptosis has been used as a marker for apoptotic cells.The purpose of this study were to study the effect of CsA on the proliferation and apoptosis of cultured NHOK by TGase2 expression. After primary cultured NHOK was treated by 0.1, 1.0 and 10ug/ml Cs A, growth curve, MTT assay forsuccinyl dehydrogenase activity and RT-PCR for TGase 2 mRNA expression were done. The obtained results were asfollows. MTT assay showed about 65% cell viability at 1.0μg/ml and 40% at 10μg/ml CsA. Growth curve showed normal Scurve on control & DMSO, while decreased growth rate after 3 days of higher CsA tx. TGase 2 mRNA expression of culturedNHOK was the highest at 10μg/ml Cs A. TEM showed chromosome margination, and vacuole formation and clusteredmitochodria in cytoplasm of cultured NHOK after CsA tx. It suggested that higher CsA might induce apoptosis ofNHOK correlated with increased TGase 2 mRNA expression.

3 2008

아라키돈산 유도 염증모델에서 LED 광조사에 의한 유전자 발현에 관한 연구

저자 김한일 김인애 정민아


To investigate the differential expression of genes by 635nm LEDs irradiation in arachidonic acid-treated human gingivalfibroblasts, cDNA microarray was carried out. Human gingival fibroblasts were primary cultured and arachidonicacid was treated to induce inflammation. 635nm of wave length was used for LEDs irradiation. The experimental groupwas categorized into four group ; control, only LEDs irradiation group, only arachidonic acid-treated group and arachidonicacid-treated with LEDs irradiation group. The expression of 8,078 genes were increased and the expression of7,103 genes were decreased in only LEDs irradiation group. For arachidonic acid-treated with LEDs irradiation group,the expression of 6,815 genes were increased, while the expression of 8,031 genes were decreased comparing with onlyarachidonic acid-treated group. IL-13alpha2 receptor was the most expressed gene in LEDs irradiation group comparingwith control, followed by MMP3. Genes which the most down regulated was BIRC3 in LEDs irradiation group. PLABgenes was the most up-regulated in arachidonic acid treated with LEDs irradation group, followed by ranked RARRES1.Considering the classification by cell function, genes associated with signal transduction were the most affected by LEDsirradiation, followed by the genes associated with nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolism. In arachidonic acidtreated with LEDs irradiation, genes associated with signal transduction and protein metabolism were affected.Taken together, LEDs irradiation could affect various biological process and could identify many genes related to LEDsirradiation, which could be used for clinical application.

2 2008

(−)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate(EGCG)가 활성형 Akt를 유도

저자 김명진, 김형일, 김현


The major component of green tea is (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate(EGCG) which accounts for 5080% of catechin,representing 200300 mg in a brewed cup of green tea. EGCG has been known to possess growth inhibitory andpro-apoptotic effect on human cancer cell lines such as prostate, bladder and breast cancers. In contrast, several studieshave suggested that EGCG could promote cell proliferation and/or survival instead of pro-apoptotic effect.Understanding how intracellular signaling pathways respond to EGCG may provide a clue to the difference of cell responsesand basis for usefulness of EGCG as a chemopreventive and/or chemotherapeutic agent.To better understand the mechanisms responsible for the chemopreventive efficacy of EGCG, the authors tried toidentify the key molecules that contributes to Akt activation and can inhibit this activation. In the present study, EGCGincreased Akt phosphorylation, an activeform of Akt and negatively affect on direct upstream molecules of Akt includingPTEN and EGFR, though Akt phosphorylation was increased.

1 2008

한국인의 구강 악성 흑색종에 대한 임상병리학적 및 면역조직화학적 분석

저자 진달래, 이재일, 홍삼


"〈ABSTRACT〉Oral malignant melanoma of the oral cavity is rare. Although the Asian population has a relatively high incidence oforal malignant melanoma in contrast to Caucasians, the clinical information in Korean has been rarely known. In addition,the clinical and histological classification of oral malignant melanoma has not been established up to now. So weinvestigated 26 cases of oral malignant melanomas on the basis of clinicopathological and immunohistochemical findingsand reclassified the clinical and histological type. The results of this study are as followed. Oral malignant melanomasoccurred at any age from 28 years to 73 years and their mean age was 58.6 years. Of 26 cases, 14 occurred in male and12 in female. Oral malignant melanomas occurred almost in palate and/or maxillary gingiva (25 cases; 96.2%). Only onecase occurred in mandibular gigiva.Oral malignant melanomas were clinically divided into macular(9 cases) and nodular type(17 cases), showing that thenodular type occurred more frequently. Oral malignant melanomas were histologically divided into in situ spreading(5cases), invasive(13 cases), and combined type(8 cases), showing that the invasive type occurred most frequently. All casesshowed positivity for S-100 and 15 cases(57.7%) for HMB-45 in immunohistochemical analysis. It was thought theseresults could provide basic data for the research on oral malignant melanoma in Korean and additional prospective andretrospective studies would be needed in order to find the relations with the prognosis of the patients."
