17 2013
구강에 발생한 신경화 멜라닌세포성 모반의 면역조직화학적 특성: 신경섬유종과의 비교
박현도, 조영아, 신의정, 홍성두, 이재일, 홍삼표, 윤혜정
"Neurotized melanocytic nevus (NMN) is categorized into intradermal/intramucosal type of acquired melanocytic nevus. In contrast to typical intramucosal nevus which has relatively distinct histological features, the diagnosis of NMN requires more attention due to its mimicry of benign neural tumors such as neurofibroma. The majority of lesional cells, NMN cells, showed a spindle cell morphology and abundant, eosinophilic cytoplasm which were positive for S-100, vimentin, and collagen type IV. Positive reaction for MART-1 was detected in the NMN cells as well as in the epithelioid nevus cells beneath the epithelium. Neurofibroma exhibited diffuse positivity for S-100, vimentin, CD34 and collagen type IV, but never expressed MART-1. Toluidine blue stained the numerous mast cells scattered in the lesion of neurofibroma, compared to the relatively minor detection of mast cells in NMN. Therefore, MART-1 is a useful marker in differentiating NMN from neurofibroma. "