19 2006
수산화 인회석과 anorganic bovine bone mineral에서 배양된 정상인 조
윤병만, 천재식, 오충
This experiment was performed to study the biocompatibility of xenograft materials (ABBM. coralline HA). Both autogenousbone grafts and allogenic banked bone were frequently and successfully used to promote regeneration of parts ofskeleton. The use of these types of grafts were limited by the cost of donor site operation for autogenous boneor by fear ofthe risk of infection of allogenic materials. Another type of graft is xenograft which include ABBM and coralline HA. For investigatingthe biocompatibility, generally many investigators used cancer cell lines or animal cell lines. But cancer cell linesand animal cell lines had functioned different metabolism from normal human cell. So the experiment used normal humanosteoblast for compare the biocompatibility of ABBM with coralline HA which were fixed in 24 well base contained culturemedium. After 1st, 3rd, 7th, 14th, 28th days, the culture medium were taken out and checked the concentrations ofcalcium(Ca), inorganic phosphate(IP) and alkaline phosphatase(ALP). In another method, histologic samples were investigatedafter 8weeks of xenograft materials implantated on rabbit's tibia, the bone was cut and made undecalcified ground samplesand checked with fluorecent microscope, polarizing microscope, reflection electron microscope and electron probemicroanalysis. The statistical results of concentrations (Ca, IP, ALP) of materials in the culture medium have decreasedbyday's, which meant that xenograft materials were effective for bone remodelling. The concentrations in the culture mediumof ABBM were lower than that of coralline HA, that meant that biocompatibility of ABBM were superior than that of corallineHA. Histologic samples showed that ABBM had better bone remodelling effect than coralline HA. ABBM showed good alizarinred marking lines, more deposition of Ca, IP, and dense color of bone around newly formed osteon and bonetrabeculae. it was concluded that ABBM was more biocompatible than corallineHA in vivo and in vitro test.