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6 2019 43권 3호

하악에 발생한 투명세포 치성암종

저자 이승주, 최민호, 천승우, 이종호, 김창현, 박재연


Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma (CCOC) is an extremely rare odontogenic neoplasm; Only a few cases have been reported in the English literatures. It displays a propensity for the mandible, most commonly presenting in the fifth to seventh decades, with a female predilection. The clinical and radiological manifestations are multiple and the diagnosis is histological. Histological feature is of large islands and strands of uniform cells with round or ovoid nuclei and clear cytoplasm. Clinically, painless swelling is the most common symptom, followed by pain, teeth mobility, and paresthesia. CCOC has a good prognosis after surgery. This case report presents the histopathological and clinical features of CCOC excised from the mandible.

5 2019 43권 3호

혀에 생긴 다발성 지방종: 위치와 수에 있어서의 드묾

저자 이상민, 안애리, 고승오


Lipoma is the most common soft tissue mesenchymal tumor which grows slowly. [1] [2] Intraoral lipomas are rare and have been reported in approximately 1 to 4% of all neoplasm in various literature. [2-5] Oral lipomas mostly develop slowly without symptoms, [6] and predominantly affect the buccal mucosa, floor of mouth, tongue and lip. [3] Material and Methods: A 71-year old male presented with asymptomatic swelling on tongue. On the clinical examination, there were various size of three swelling areas on the dorsum of tongue. Result: All lesions were surgically removed via intraoral approach under general anesthesia. They were soft and yellowish in color. All of the specimens has histologically revealed as typical lipomas. Conclusion: It is a report of tongue lipomas as a rare site, with clinical, histological and radiographic features. Also, there were several reports of a large or huge lipoma in oral cavity, however there were no report of multiple lipomas on the tongue. So, authors report the rarity of it.

4 2019 43권 3호

연구개에 발생한 유표피낭종을 포함한 다형선종에 대한 증례보고

저자 조극제, 이유정, 정상환, 장성백, 권대근, 최소영


Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) is the most common benign salivary gland tumor. Being pleomorphic, its histologic characteristics can be considerably varied, showing epithelial (ductal and non-ductal) cells and mesenchyme-like tissues (chondroid, myxoid, and osseous). Here, we present a rare case of a 76-year-old female presenting with a 2.0 cm PA with an epidermoid cyst of minor salivary glands on the soft palate.

3 2019 43권 3호

하악골에 발생된 골 내 평활근종: 증례보고

저자 김경아, 민창기, 고승오, 조남표


The case of an intraosseous leiomyoma in a 22-year-old man is presented. The tumor was incidentally discovered during dental radiographic examination for endodontic treatment of mandibular first molar. Radiographic examination revealed a well-defined unilocular radiolucency between the roots of mandibular left canine-first premolar, measuring approximately 1.9 x 1.8 cm and perforation of the buccal cortical plate. Histological and immunohistochemical examination was diagnostic of intraosseous solid leiomyoma. Here, we report a rare case of leiomyoma of the mandible, together with conventional histopathologic and immunohistochemical findings.

2 2019 43권 3호

우측 하악골에 발생한 석회화 상피성 치성종양

저자 문성호, 조성연, 은재승, 이준, 윤정훈


Calcifying Epithelial OdontogenicTumor(CEOT), also known as Pindborg tumor is a rare lesion comprising about 1% of all odontogenic tumors mostly rising in the posterior of the mandible. It generally occurs in patients between 30-60 years old. This paper describes a case of CEOT in a 17 year-old female affecting the right mandible. Histopathologic findings showed sheets of polygonal tumor cells and pools of amorphous, eosinophilic amyloids with calcifications. 1 year after resection of the tumor, no clinical and radiographic signs of recurrence were observed.

1 2019 43권 3호

합성곱신경망의 학습 및 테스트자료에 따른 골다공증 판독에 미치는 영향

저자 김재윤, 이재서, 강병철, 김형석, Shyam Adhikari, Liu Liu, 윤숙자


This study aimed to test a convolutional neural network (CNN) in two different settings of training and testing data. Panoramic radiographs were selected from 1170 female dental patients (mean age 49.19 ± 21.91 yr). The cortical bone of the mandible inferior border was evaluated for osteoporosis or normal condition on the panoramic radiographs. Among them, 586 patients (mean age 27.46 ± 6.73 yr) had normal condition, and osteoporosis was interpreted on 584 patients (mean age 71.00 ± 7.64 yr). Among them, one data set of 569 normal patients (mean age 26.61 ± 4.60 yr) and 502 osteoporosis patients (mean age 72.37 ± 7.10 yr) was used for training CNN, and the other data set of 17 normal patients (mean age 55.94 ± 4.0 yr) and 82 osteoporosis patients (mean age 62.60 ± 5.00 yr) for testing CNN in the first experiment, while the latter was used for training CNN and the former for testing CNN in the second experiment. The error rate was 15.15% in the first experiment and 5.14% in the second experiment. This study suggests that age-matched training data make more accurate testing results.
