The 19th Annual Meeting of Korean Basic Dental Science Society Association
- Date: 2020년 12월 9일 (수)
- Venue: 호암교수회관 1층 목련룸
- Online과 동시에 개최
09:00 ~ | Registration | |
09:20-09:30 | Opening Ceremony: Opening Address by 이재일, President of KBDSSA |
이재일 |
09:30-10:20 | Ophir Klein – School of Dentistry, UCSF, SanFrancisco, CA, USA Development, renewal and plasticity of oral and dental tissues |
SessionⅠ Chair: 조의식(전북대) |
10:20-11:00 | 박종태 – 단국치대 3D 모델링을 통한 구강해부학 콘텐츠 개발 |
11:00-11:40 | 문석준 – 연세대 Interactions in Drosophila taste decoding |
11:40-13:10 | Lunch Break and Poster Discussion(Poster Competition 11:40~13:10) | Session II |
13:10-13:50 | 이윤실 – 서울대 The Differential Roles of GDF11 and Myostatin in Dental and Bone Formation |
Session Ⅲ Chair: 신동민 (연세대) |
13:50-14:40 | Chen Liu – UT-Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, US Neural control of food intake, a serotonergic perspective |
14:40-15:20 | Coffee Break / Poster Discussion | |
15:20-16:00 | 오정민 – 부산대 치전원 Telescripting: A new dimension in regulation of gene expression |
Session Ⅳ Chair: 박혜련 (부산대) |
16:00-16:40 | 손동현 – 부산대 의대 Significance of NETosis-induced histone citrullination in inflammatory diseases |
16:40-17:40 | 이재일-서울대 치대 치의학 연구윤리※ |
17:40-18:00 | Award Presentations and Closing Ceremony | 이재일 |
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