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43권 6호 상악에 재발한 거대한 치성 점액섬유종

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
댓글 0건 조회 563회 작성일 20-04-10 14:11


The myxoma(odontogenic myxoma, myxofibroma) of the jaws is a benign, usually slow-growing infiltrative tumor of connectice tissue.
This article describes a case history of the treatment of recurred odontogenic myxofibroma in the maxilla and further discusses the
appropriate management of such cases with reference to the literature review. A 55-year-old male patient presented with a gingival
swelling in the right side of maxilla. He had history of second time recurred disease. Microscopically, a high cellularity fibrous tumor
with fibroblastic cells was observed. Tumor cells were composed of stellate and spindle shaped fibroblasts. Islands of odontogenic
epithelium were seen in the specimen. The final diagnosis was made with odontogenic myxofibroma in consideration of twice-time
recurrences and histological characteristics. Because of the high likelihood of recurrence, an accurate differential diagnosis of pathology
at the time of initial visit is very important in determining treatment options, and immunohistochemical tests may be helpful. Also close
following up is required.(155 words)
Key words : Odontogenic Myxoma, Odontogenic Myxofibroma, Recurrence, Surgical management



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