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43권 5호 당뇨환자와 비당뇨환자 간의 두경부 근막간극 감염 시 임상 및 병리학적 특징 비교

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
댓글 0건 조회 508회 작성일 20-04-10 14:07


This study includes the clinical features of diabetic patients with fascial space infections of head and neck and those of non-diabetic
patients. We retrospectively studied 62 patients who were treated for fascial space infections of the head and neck, and compared the
patients’ background, the aetiology of the infection, clinical variables, laboratory values, and treatment process. Statistical analyses of the
differences between groups were made with Student's t test, the chi square test, and analysis of variance, as appropriate. Diabetic patients
had more spaces involved, had longer hospital stays, and developed more complications. The main microorganism of diabetic group
was Klebsiella pneumonia and otherwise, Streptococcus spp. was for non-diabetic group. We conclude that diabetic patients are more
likely to develop complications and it is necessary to consider about dominant microorganism when using medication for diabetes patients
Key words : Facial space infection, Disbetes mellitus, Klebsiella pneumonia



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