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42권 2호 하악에 발생한 중심성 치성 섬유종: 2례의 증례 보고

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
댓글 0건 조회 175회 작성일 20-02-26 09:37


Central odontogenic fibroma(COF) is an extremely rare benign tumor that accounts for 0.1% of all odontogenic tumor. COF is regarded by the World Health Organization(WHO) as a benign odontogenic neoplasm derived from mesenchymal odontogenic tissue. The lesion occurs most commonly in the mandible and patients ranging in age from11 to 80years with mean age of 34years. In this article, we report two case of COF. Case I was associated odontoma and impacted tooth. Odontoma and impacted tooth was removal under general anesthesia. After microscopic examination, finally we diagnosis this lesion as COF. Patients of case II showed radiolucent lesion at the mandible. Lesion was enucleated under general anesthesia. After microscopic examination, finally we diagnosis this lesion as COF. The patients which we presented did not complain any specific complications, showed good prognosis.


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