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42권 1호 악관절음 청취 및 분석기기 개발

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작성자 최고관리자
댓글 0건 조회 196회 작성일 20-02-26 09:13


I have tried to make electronic listening and analyzing appratus, which were used for temporomandibular disorder patient’s. It can be heard T.M.J.D’s sounds. Normal person heard 20~20,000 Hz sound. Electronic appratus can capture furthermore. Electronic appratus composed of stethoscope rubber tube,small microphone, amplifier, telemetry, oscilloscope and speaker. The aim of oscilloscope and speaker are seen and heard T.M.J. sounds both dentists and patients.In developing countries, they use electronic stethoscope for diagnosis
of heart sound and use for tele diagnosis. In my nation, laws of food and drugs were very rigid, so many researcher’s developed electronic stethoscope, but they could not produce it because of law. I suggest that soften the rigid law, and many new product will be produced. The apparatus that I developed was operated quite well both wired and wireless. It is suggested that we must develop new apparatus for T.M.D. patients and Telemedicine.


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