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41권 2호 구강캔디다증 환자의 항진균 치료

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
댓글 0건 조회 149회 작성일 20-02-26 08:54


The aim of this study was to examine the effects and the sensitivity of antifungal therapy for patients with oral candidiasis and to
investigate the relationship among the signs & symptoms of patients and the ratio change of Candida species to antifungal therapy.
Candida fungus culture test with ChromeIDTM Candida agar (CAN2) was carried out more than twice for 10 patients who visited Oral
Medicine department of Chonnam National University Dental Hospital during the period from Dec. 2015 to Aug. 2016. After culturing
the smear sample before and after antifungal therapy in ChromeIDTM Candida agar (CAN2), the number of colonies was counted to
compare. Patients were divided into 5 group according to the therapeutic effects of the antifungal agents used: 1) high susceptibility
to nystatin, 2) low susceptibility to nystatin, 3) high susceptibility to fluzonazole, 4) low susceptibility to fluzonazole, and 5) increased
ratio of new Candida species. Although nystatin is used as first-line therapy in oral candidiasis, it is desirable to use fluconazole if
patients had a history of the low sensitivity to nystatin or chemotherapy. Even if the patient's symptoms and signs are improved, there
is a possibility of oral candidiasis recurring, so that clinicians should be careful during the treatment with antifungal agents.



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