페이지 정보
- 적혈구의 수가 감소한 것 혹은 hemoglobin 농도가 감소한 것
: erythrocyte 생산 감소 혹은 파괴 증가
- red blood cell count
hemoglobin concentration
mean corpuscular volume
mean corpuscula hemoglobin concentration
mean corpuscula hemoglobin
=>수치로 anemia의심
- vitamin이나 mineral deficiencies에 의해 올수도 있음
- anemia의 원인 (table 13-2)
: ⓛ 철 대사 부전 anemia
- 철 결핍성 빈혈
- sideroblastic anemia
② megaloblastic anemia
- cobalamin deficiency(pernicious anemia)
- folic acid deficiency
③ anemia associated with chronic disorder
- anemia of chronic infection(infective endocarditis, tuberculosis, osteomyelitis....)
- anemia of inflammatory connective tissue order(류마티성 관절염, lupus erythematosus,
sarcoidosis, temporal arteritis.......)
- anemia associated with malignancy
secondary to chronic bleeding
myelophthisic anemia
- anemia of uremia
- anemia due to endocrine failure
- anemia of liver disease
④ hemolytic anemia
- extrinsic causes
red cell antibodies
trauma in the circulation
direct toxic effect(various microorganism, copper salts, 특정 뱀의 뱀독)
- membrane abnormalities
spur cell anemia
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
hereditary spherocytosis
hereditary elliptocytosis
- 적혈구 내부의 이상
defects in the Embden-Meyerhof pathway
defects in the hexose-monophosphate shunt
⑤ disorder of hemoglobin
- sickle cell anemia
- thalassemias
Clinical Feature
- 혈액의 산소 운반 능력이 떨어짐
- 피로, 두통, 경미한 두통.
- 심한 경우 mucous membrane palpebral conjunctiva - painless
Treatment And Prognosis
- 원인에 따라 치료 방법이 다르다.
- 적혈구의 수가 감소한 것 혹은 hemoglobin 농도가 감소한 것
: erythrocyte 생산 감소 혹은 파괴 증가
- red blood cell count
hemoglobin concentration
mean corpuscular volume
mean corpuscula hemoglobin concentration
mean corpuscula hemoglobin
=>수치로 anemia의심
- vitamin이나 mineral deficiencies에 의해 올수도 있음
- anemia의 원인 (table 13-2)
: ⓛ 철 대사 부전 anemia
- 철 결핍성 빈혈
- sideroblastic anemia
② megaloblastic anemia
- cobalamin deficiency(pernicious anemia)
- folic acid deficiency
③ anemia associated with chronic disorder
- anemia of chronic infection(infective endocarditis, tuberculosis, osteomyelitis....)
- anemia of inflammatory connective tissue order(류마티성 관절염, lupus erythematosus,
sarcoidosis, temporal arteritis.......)
- anemia associated with malignancy
secondary to chronic bleeding
myelophthisic anemia
- anemia of uremia
- anemia due to endocrine failure
- anemia of liver disease
④ hemolytic anemia
- extrinsic causes
red cell antibodies
trauma in the circulation
direct toxic effect(various microorganism, copper salts, 특정 뱀의 뱀독)
- membrane abnormalities
spur cell anemia
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
hereditary spherocytosis
hereditary elliptocytosis
- 적혈구 내부의 이상
defects in the Embden-Meyerhof pathway
defects in the hexose-monophosphate shunt
⑤ disorder of hemoglobin
- sickle cell anemia
- thalassemias
Clinical Feature
- 혈액의 산소 운반 능력이 떨어짐
- 피로, 두통, 경미한 두통.
- 심한 경우 mucous membrane palpebral conjunctiva - painless
Treatment And Prognosis
- 원인에 따라 치료 방법이 다르다.
- 이전글Sickle Cell Anemia 03.02.13
- 다음글Hemophilia 03.02.13